Living in shacks: no power, no water, no deeds


”Living in shacks: no power, no water, no deeds“ is implemented during Oct – Dec 2020 and consists of documentation and raising awareness of informal housing in Romania. Three important resources are planned, as part of this project:

(1) Map of Informal Settlements in Romania: a civic initiative crowdsourcing data on informal settlements across the country, implemented with technical support from Geospatial. The platform will crowdsource data contributions from NGOs, institutions and individuals concerned with the topic of informal housing, to illustrate the scale, diversity and distribution of these settlements.

(2) Guide on Interventions in Informal Settlements builds on the content of our previous guide on this topic, updated with the newer legal provisions and methodological norms issued across 2019 – 2020, following our advocacy efforts to improve the legislative framework in the field of informal housing. [resource in Romanian language only]

(3) The podcast “Conversations on housing”: initiated and launched within this project, this aims to be a series of audio conversations, accompanied by multimedia materials, about housing challenges faced by different communities in Romania. The first episode will be dedicated to the informal housing.

Additionally, the project supports the updating and further developing our resource platform on informal housing: www.locuireinformală.ro.

This project is implemented with the financial support of the Fund for Civic Innovation, a program developed by the Foundation for Civil Society Development ( The 2020 call for projects was launched with the support of Enel Romania.

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