The Fantastic Funicular: The Last Year in Old Attire


What's up with this Funicular?

The funicular is probably Reșița’s most emblematic industrial heritage structure. It was built between 1963 and 1964 and passes right over the city center, in the form of a 60-meter-high and 700-meter-long metal bridge. The funicular used to transport limestone from the quarries south of the city to the lime factory in the Mociur industrial site, along a route of over 3 kilometers that crossed hills and inhabited areas of the city.

The Reșița City Hall acquired the funicular in 2018 and from 2021 to 2023, prepared a technical project for its functional conversion from an industrial structure into a new pedestrian and cycling axis that would connect the city center to the surrounding hills; details about the conversion project coordinated by D-Proiect are HERE to be found. In 2024, the Reșița City Hall will submit this project for funding under the New European Bauhaus initiative using European funds.

What does The Fantastic Funicular entail?

We want to bring the community around the funicular during its last year “in old attire,” before it enters the restoration and conversion phase toward a new function. The project consists of three components:

(1) Create an exhibition about the history, operation, and vision for the functional conversion of the funicular. The exhibition will be installed both physically, in the city center, at the end of July 2024, and online, on the website;

(2) Co-create and develop an interpretation plan related to the industrial and natural heritage represented and traversed by the funicular’s route. This interpretation plan is meant to inspire and lay the foundation for the arrangement of the funicular’s visitor center, which will be located in the decommissioned heating plant situated beneath the funicular, as well as for the subsequent development of attraction points and other facilities along the entire funicular route;

(3) Organize a street event to celebrate the funicular during its last year before the planned restoration, consolidation, and functional conversion work. The event will take the Street Delivery shape, thus joining the network of events with the same name organized in 11 cities across the country throughout 2024. As part of the event, we will host workshops and debates, film screenings, digital and performance art interventions, and guided tours along the funicular route.

Update >> click here for the retrospective of The Fantastic Funicular

The project “The Fantastic Funicular – The Last Year in Old Attire” is funded by the National Cultural Fund Administration, with co-funding from the Reșița City Hall. We will work closely with D Proiect, the Amateurs’ Filmmaker Museum, the Banatul Montan Community Foundation, WeWilder, and Bike Attack. The project is also an initiative of the Urban Innovation Lab Reșița 250. We are acting systematically, as a network and on the long-term to preserve, enhance, and promote the industrial heritage of Reșița.

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