Capitalizing on derelict spaces for local ecotourism development


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‘Capitalizing on derelict spaces for local ecotourism development’ addresses the untapped potential of abandoned and derelict spaces across ecotourism destinations in Romania. It builds on the premise that supporting the revitalization of such assets can generate multiple benefits: catalyzing entrepreneurial and cultural activities, heritage preservation, landscape improvements, local pride, and social capital enhancements.

In the first phase, we will explore typologies of latent assets across the seven ecotourism destinations supported by RAF: Colinele Transilvaniei, Pădurea Craiului, Țara Hațegului – Retezat, Eco-Maramureș, Țara Dornelor, Ținutul Zimbrilor – Neamț și Țușnad Baths as well as local ideas and initiatives linked to potential new uses and revitalization plans for such spaces. We will seek to understand local communities’ current unmet space needs. Project findings will prospect the opportunity of establishing support mechanisms for the revitalization of latent assets. Throughout this project, we will provide knowledge and networking resources to stakeholders across ecotourism destinations involved or interested in initiating space revitalization initiatives.

This initiative is funden by the Romanian – American Foundation (RAF). It contributes to the broader program of ‘Development of ecotourism destinations in Romania‘, developed by RAF and the Partnership Foundation, and the Association for Ecotourism in Romania.

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