LATENT/EMERGENT CoP: recorded knowledge transfer sessions


Below are all recorded knowledge transfer sessions (KTS) from Latent/Emergent. Most of them are in English or bilingual. This page is being continuously updated. You can learn more about the L/E community of practice HERE.

KTS no. 6: Archives as living resources for the collective envisioning of the future (bilingual session, send us an e-mail if you need the translation)

KTS no.5: How do we demonstrate the power of togetherness? How can Social Network Analysis Tools support us in analyzing social capital built through revitalization?

KTS no.4: Fundraising Strategies in Heritage Revitalization w/ Jan Kroupa.

KTS no.3: Heritage Interpretation: strategy and storytelling in visitor experience w/ Valya Stergioti, Diana Iabrasu, Iuliana Dumitru.

KTS no.2: Industrial heritage revitalization as a driver for local development. With Paul Boutsen and Ilinca Paun-Constantinescu.

KTS no.1: How does one start a revitalization project? On beginnings w/ Irina Lecca and Luca Ciubotaru (part 2).

KTS no.1: How does one start a revitalization project? On beginnings w/ Irina Lecca and Luca Ciubotaru (part 1)

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