Technical Assistance for Local Economic Development in Reșița


Reșița is a city in southwestern Romania that has undergone a process of deindustrialization and economic restructuring. Abandoned industrial sites dominate the city, and residents, especially the younger generation, are leaving due to the lack of viable and diverse professional opportunities. Workforce retention is limited, with the city also being affected by the migration of working-age people to Western European countries. Gradually, the local community has developed a perception of a city without a future, without social life, and without opportunities for professional development, which demotivates civic and entrepreneurial initiatives.

In this context, the project carried out by MKBT in partnership with the Town Hall of Reșița aims at the following objectives:

  • Capitalizing on the city’s local assets by improving the record-keeping and management of the available built stock (commercial, industrial, and housing spaces) and land resources / available land;
  • Enhancing the city’s attractiveness to current residents, new potential residents, investors, and visitors;
  • Increasing the City Hall’s capacity to attract investors and develop the local business environment.

The project took place from November 2016 to July 2017, with the following outcomes: presentation folders for investors and developers, a communication plan, an inventory of industrial sites, an analysis of the city’s real estate stock, knowledge transfer sessions for the City Hall’s operational team, and project sheets for implementing the conclusions drawn from this project.

>>> LINK Brochure for developers, focused on the Mociur urban regeneration site (first brochure)

>>> LINK Brochure for to investors, focused on Valea Țerovei Industrial Park (second brochure)

>>> LINK Real Estate Review and Factsheets

>>> Example of Factsheet on the Mociur Industrial Site below

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